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Restoration of my Citroën 2CV
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In May, 1998 I spotted an ad for this "Ugly Duckling" in "Junkmail", a local online classified newspaper. I've been keen on a 2CV since I spotted an immaculate burgundy and black Charleston in Rosebank about ten years ago. I fetched it in Fochville, a small town near Randfontein, Gauteng. It is quite old for the 3-window model, I believe it to be about a 1964-1967 model. This one had been used by a schoolboy for commuting, and, needless to say, was in quite bad shape. The floorboards had been fibreglassed, and were badly rusted underneath. With the invaluable help of "Cliff" Clifford of BMC Engineering, its restoration is now under way:
This is the colour scheme I've chosen, previewed with the help of Adobe Photoshop!
The stripped-down and painted chassis. Note the unconventional suspension design!
Priming and preparing the bodywork.
André Snyman of BMC Engineering applying primer to the body.
The engine and gearbox, ready for stripping, cleaning, and reconditioning.
Cliff's 1956 Slough-built 2CV, also currently under restoration.
Spraypainting progress on March 30, 1999
Spraypainting progress on March 30, 1999
Restoration progress as on August 25, 1999
Restoration progress as on August 25, 1999
Restoration progress as on August 25, 1999
Sean Fourie is doing a super job with panelbeating and spraypainting.
Cliff has just finished the reassembly of this 375cc engine for his 1956 2CV.
More pics of my 2CV's restoration.
Some pics from a recent concourse at Kempton Park, Gauteng.
Some pics from an outing to Parys, Gauteng.
Joost van der Drift's 2CV page