XcentroniX PC Software
This program switches 8 channels of household equipment, on and off at adjustable times.
Needs inexpensive Mainz interface.
Order the Mainz interface.
Runs on XT upwards. Needs inexpensive Mainz interface.
Download the software.
Order the Mainz interface.
This television production program generates sound effects when triggered by GPI from edit controller. Used for DVE "Whoosh", etc. as slomo flies into picture.
Needs simple interfacing cable.
Download the software.
Diagram of the interface cable.
Order the interface cable.
4. Winlog (Windows / Win95)
This enables a PC to be used for inexpensive single channel data acquisition. Requires "XcentroniX" ADC-1 Module. Extensive user interface allows graphing, live oscilloscope display, averaging, and listing of previous and current log files.
Download the software.
Order the ADC-1 Module.
This enables a PC to be used for inexpensive 4-channel data acquisition. Requires "XcentroniX" ADC-4 Module.
Download the software.
Order the ADC-4 Module.